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• PATCH NOTES 139.1! •

5 May 2008

Thanks for your patience. We're aware this weekend was less than stellar performance wise due to the work we were doing trying to prepare for the upcoming promotions and changes in SAGA. With that said, here's another mini-patch which should get things back to where they should be. As usual please let us know if something we think we fixed is still not working right on the forums at! The next several days we expect a much higher than normal load on the servers so please bare with us as we go through some potential growing pains! Thanks again!

The correct speed of the unit while the unit is charging is shown in the tooltip.

Stamina can no longer exceed its max while a unit is walking.

Fixed the experience bar in EoB report.

Units were still walking backward in certain cases; this is now fixed.

Rating no longer changes for scrimmages.

Fix for when buildings are deleted (previously only their graphics were deleted).

When an enemy was over water, it's height above the water was not be calculated correctly in several places. This was effecting Line of Site and Projectiles. This is now fixed.

Fixed a weird glitch with edit text cursors.

Riots now affect building damage again.

Buildings will now build properly again.

Units should get XP from damaging buildings.

Quest rewarded GF is now added correctly.

Fixed an issue with raid emails.

Changed Stamina system. Now when charging there is no longer a 20 stamina reduction. Stamina will reduce at as faster rate but also regenerate faster when walking and standing idle. Speed reduction due to low stamina has also been reduced. Additionally melee troops, in general, have more stamina than ranged units.

Charging adds 60% to the speed instead of 50%.

Units stop charging when they are out of stamina and begin to walk which will help them restore stamina more quickly.

Ranged units can no longer flank.

Fixed the email list to display from the top down when there is no scrolling.

The correct speed of a unit is displayed in the tooptip when a units is charging.

Spell should now correctly award GF and XP to a nation.

PvP rewards added back in.

Fixed an issues causing battle server to crash on occasion.

Friendlies and summons earned XP is applied to the nation XP.

Certain units are immune from the Melee Vs Ranged buff. (Iron Tank, Juggernaught, Chersus).

Nearly all units have stamina changes.

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