• Tester's Gear •
7 April 2009
These aren't finalized yet, but here's a preview of the current state of the Tester's Gear of Bug-Squashing, which is being given to those who help out with the Test Server (see previous posts for details). 
(Sword, Charm, Bow, Siege Gear, Staff, Firearm) Bonuses: (not finalized) +8% HP +12% Stamina +5% Range Participating account will receive two items for each nation, according to the nation type. Light - Sword and Charm Machines - Siege Gear and Firearm Magic - Charm and Staff Nature - Bow and Charm Undead - Siege Gear and Staff War - Sword and Bow Again, all the detail aren't finalized just yet, and will likely undergo a bit of a change between now and when they land in SAGA with the 1.46.2 patch. We'll keep you posted. Thanks again to all of those who have helped out with the Test Servers!
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