• Patch 1.45.1 •
3 December 2008
UPDATES AND FIXES Raiding now requires a player to have two fully healed mana mines on any one of their wilderness territories in order to raid another player. Fixed a crash when a player would log out to the main screen and attempt to log back in Ignore feature now correctly filters out ignored players chat Using the /who command to search for nation names with spaces in them will now function Using the /who command to search for nation names with numbers in them will behave better GAMEPLAY CHANGES Army Training removed from the game Espionage disabled in preparation for upcoming World Conflict features Policing option removed from Peasant management Guild wars disabled in preparation for upcoming World Conflict features God favor removed from domain Worship removed from peasant management Sacrifice option at the temple has been removed Raiding now takes additional mana shards for army size, instead of God Favor Troops will not die for nations under level 10 Resurrecting troops now takes Gold instead of God Favor Peasant happiness value on the domain HUD has been replaced with a descriptive word to indicate peasant happiness. Numerical values and breakdown of peasant happiness can still be found on the status screen God favor production rates removed from the status screen Instant building repair now costs gold, stone and wood instead of god favor Guild Bonus upgrades from the university now applies a bonus to the amount of resources you receive from guild mates instead of to the amount of resources you contribute to your guild. Guild Bonus university upgrade calculations modified and now provide a more significant bonus. QUEST CHANGES In the Service of Yeven Nyrr - Added (Order, Once Only, Level 18, Coordinates: 129, 17) Commander Randos - Added (Brotherhood, Level 30, Coordinates: 24, 5) If Trees Could Kill - Balance Overhaul Rise of the Peons - Balance Overhaul Dead End 2 - Balance Overhaul Dead End 3 - Balance Overhaul Various other tweaks/fixes
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