• Halloween Trivia Contest This Friday •
30 October 2008
Since the transmission of candy over the internet is not yet a reality (maybe the tubes are too small), SAGA will instead be hosting a trivia contest to celebrate this Halloween. Contestants that prove their knowledge of horror movies, creepy myths, and zombie psychology will have a chance to win fabulous- though regrettably inedible- prizes. The contest will be held Friday, October 31st, and will run from 1:00pm to 3:00pm MST. That's 3 to 5pm EST, 7 to 9pm GMT, and 13pm to eternity in the nether dimensions. For those of you who didn't get a chance to participate in the last trivia contest, here's how it goes down: the questions are asked in help chat, and the first person to answer correctly wins a point. The first three players to earn 3 points will each win a prize. This time, the winners will have their choice of one full unit of any Unit of the Week card. Not only will this include the dark elf assassin, flying fortress, treant warrior, and humongous ballistary, but the giant magi and war rhino, as well! Put on your atomic-powered thinkin' caps and prepare yourself for some terrifying trivia. We hope to see you there!
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