• Patch 1.44.9 •
29 October 2008
The servers have been taken down for the patch. Here are the changes that will be taking place: UPDATES AND FIXES Mysterious PVP boat should be fixed Units holding ground will not keep saying, "We'll just do nothing then!" Unit's tool-tip fixed. Drawing line of sight can now be turned off in the setting.ini file. (Under [GAME] set ShowLineOfSight = false) Treant Warriors have been added to the game. (nature faction unit) QUEST CHANGES Stormandy Beach - Added (Brotherhood, Heroic, Level 27, Coordinates: -6, 94) Raibyn Hood (Order) - Fixed bugged spawn (on gold tier) that could prevent victory Various other quest fixes/tweaks CHANGES TO UNITS Dark Elf Assassins new special ability - Toggle Stealth - While stealthed the assassins move at 50% speed and cannot capture buildings. Attacking or being attacked while stealthed will break stealth. The next attack made by the assassins while stealthed will be guaranteed to hit and do 2x damage. (Was - "Quick and Silent - Assassins can teleport up 80m away. Cooldown: 45 seconds.")
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