Few things in this world bring a humongous's crusty, mouldering heart more joy than raining down death and destruction upon the living. The problem inherent with using swords to do this- even super sweet swords made from the bones of your enemies- is that the havoc you can wreak is limited to arm's reach. An archer's area of attack is much larger, but why would you stoop to using a bow if you can snap it (and the man wielding it, for that matter) in half? The obvious answer would be to procure a ranged weapon with some substance to it, something with a real kick... Something like a ballista.
If the thought of a large, angry, artillery-wielding monstrosity fills you with glee, then this is your week! The humongous ballistary has been implemented in patch 1.44.8, and is a 6CP uncommon unit available to undead nations for play. With a range of 85 that can be boosted 100% by its special, not much is out of a ballistary's reach. Those soldiers with an irrational fear of being pierced with the heart with an over-sized arrow are free to take a moment to cower in fear.