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• The Blood of Nom •

10 September 2008

Next week, the SAGA will begin to unfold before your eyes as you participate in the major events that will define the world of Gaia. The Blood of Nom quest line is the first major story arc in SAGA. Starting at level 2, each faction will have access to new story quests each week. These new story quests, purple on the map, are specific to each faction. As the story unravels, the factions of each alliance will at times be called to specific tasks, and at times they will unite in a common cause. By the end of the tale, each faction will have played a unique role within the larger tapestry of the world's events.

The planet of Gaia was originally created as a prison sphere to emprison Goth Azul, the God of the Undead. Xethos Nom, the God of Magic, was commissioned to set a large detachment of deamons as guards to the Underworld. The Nature Goddess, Gaia (who shares her name with the planet), had commissioned Xethos Nom to do this, did not trust him however. As a token to insure the deamons would remain guarding the Underworld, Gaia demanded Xethos Nom give her a large portion of his blood. Gaia then took the blood and divided it up and gave it to her people, the Elves.

With the alliance of Gaia, Tek, the God of Machines and Ari-Alia, the Godess of Light, Xethos Nom and Rathos, the God of War have found themselves out numbered. However, the forces on the surface of Gaia have begun to find balance with the arrival of the Undead. Does this turn of events denote a change in the balance in the heavens as well?

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